Do |
Dominique van Hulst
1981 - Dutch Participations: 1 Representing: Netherlands Best result: 9th 07. Angel by my side / 9th place |
The Do |
2005 - 2020
Finnish and French Participations: 1 Representing: Finland Best result: 23rd 184. Despair hangover ecstasy / 23rd place |
Dobet Gnahoré |
1982 -
Ivorian Participations: 1 Representing: Ivory Coast Best result: DNQ 101. Samahani / DNQ |
Doctor Prats |
2015 -
Spanish Participations: 1 Representing: Andorra Best result: 12th 209. Ocells de llum / 12th place |
Doda |
Dorota Rabczewska
1984 - Polish Participations: 5 Representing: Poland Best result: Silver Medallist 22. Katharsis / 22nd place 59. Dziekuje / 11th place 111. Not over you / DNQ 203. Melodia ta / Silver medal 210. Nim zajdzie slonce / 7th place - with Smolasty |
Dogma |
2008 -
Armenian Participations: 1 Representing: Armenia Best result: DNQ 78. Renaissance / DNQ |
Dogukan Manco |
1981 -
Turkish Participations: 1 Representing: Turkey Best result: 26th 139. Yüzlesme / 26th place - with Funda |
Dogus |
1974 -
Turkish born in Germany Participations: 1 Representing: Turkey Best result: 8th 16. Ceza / 8th place |
Dol Ammad |
2000 -
Greek Participations: 1 Representing: Greece Best result: DNQ 120. Caravan of Mars / DNQ |
Dolcenera |
1977 -
Italian Participations: 3 Representing: Italy (2) and San Marino (1) Best result: Silver Medallist 50. Un dolce incantesimo / 10th place 76. Ci vediamo a casa / 9th place 111. Accendi lo spirito / Silver medal |
Doli & Penn |
2014 -
Israeli Participations: 1 Representing: Israel Best result: 8th 176. Meusharim / 8th place - with Noa Kirel & Liran Danino |
Dolly Parton |
1946 -
American Participations: 1 Representing: North Macedonia* Best result: 18th 218. Seasons / 18th place - with Bebe Rexha |
Dolores Forever |
2021 -
Danish Participations: 1 Representing: Denmark Best result: 13th 221. Lover / 13th place - with The Knocks |
Domen Kumer |
1983 -
Slovenian Participations: 2 Representing: Slovenia Best result: DNQ 15. Do portoroza / DNQ 25. Pod oknom sem stal / DNQ - as DeeKay with Pijamas & Steffanio |
Dominika Mirgová |
1991 -
Slovak Participations: 1 Representing: Slovakia Best result: DNQ 214. Venusa / DNQ - with Celeste Buckingham |
Dominique Cerejo |
Participations: 1 Representing: India Best result: 19th 121. Dil jo bhi kahe / 19th place - with Shaan |
Dominique Hourani |
1985 -
Lebanese Participations: 1 Representing: Lebanon Best result: 15th 32. Farfoura / 15th place |
Dominique Le Mon |
Participations: 1 Representing: Poland* Best result: 10th 186. For good / 10th place - with Foothills |
Do-Mi-No |
Participations: 1 Representing: Kazakhstan Best result: 25th 64. Kapelka yada / 25th place |
Dominykas Vaitiekunas |
1987 -
Lithuanian Participations: 1 Representing: Lithuania Best result: DNQ 209. Pyktis / DNQ - with Matto |
Domiy |
Maria Dovgayuk
Ukrainian Participations: 1 Representing: Ukraine Best result: 24th 222. Na porozi / 24th place |
Domiziana |
1997 -
German of Italian descent Participations: 1 Representing: Liechtenstein Best result: DNQ 204. Ohne Benzin / DNQ |
Don Cali |
Participations: 1 Representing: Algeria* Best result: 31st 80. Leche leche / 31st place - with Manel Filali & Lafrotino |
Don Deltafa |
Participations: 1 Representing: Djibouti Best result: DNQ 126. Djibouti my home / DNQ - with Houssein Hayle |
Donatas Blanka |
Participations: 1 Representing: Lithuania Best result: Bronze Medallist 121. Assaros / Bronze medal |
Donato y Estéfano |
1995 - 1999
Colombian and Cuban Participations: 1 Representing: Cuba Best result: 26th 78. Mi dios y mi cruz / 26th place |
Donel Mangena |
2001 -
British of Zimbabwean descent Participations: 1 Representing: Zimbabwe Best result: Bronze Medallist 163. Planets / Bronze medal |
Dông Nhi |
1988 -
Vietnamese Participations: 1 Representing: Vietnam Best result: 10th 163. Xin loi anh quá phíen / 10th place |
Donkeyboy |
2005 -
Norwegian Participations: 3 Representing: Norway Best result: 13th 75. City boy / DNQ 142. Kaleidoscope / 24th place 184. Kentucky / 13th place |
Donna De Lory |
1964 -
American Participations: 1 Representing: Canada* Best result: DNQ 208. Nevermind / DNQ - with Leonard Cohen |
Donna Maria |
2004 -
Portuguese Participations: 1 Representing: Portugal Best result: 10th 02. Foi Deus / 10th place |
Donnalyn Bartolome |
1994 -
Filipino born in United States Participations: 1 Representing: Philippines Best result: DNQ 215. Kakaibabe / DNQ |
Donny Montell |
Donatas Montvydas
1987 - Lithuanian Participations: 5 Representing: Lithuania Best result: 10th 61. Running fast / 23rd place 72. Yes or no / DNQ 76. Let me / DNQ 160. Wicked games / 19th place 211. Jausmai / 10th place |
Dony Donici |
1981 -
Romanian Participations: 1 Representing: Romania Best result: 11th 86. Samba / 11th place - with Andreea Banica |
Dope Lemon |
2016 -
Australian Participations: 1 Representing: Australia Best result: DNQ 226. Golden wolf / DNQ |
Dora |
Daria Shikhanova
1999 - Russian Participations: 1 Representing: Russia Best result: 20th 226. Lucse tebja / 20th place |
Dorians |
2008 -
Armenian Participations: 1 Representing: Armenia Best result: DNF 77. Sleepless nights / DNF |
Doris Dragovic |
1961 -
Croatian Participations: 1 Representing: Croatia Best result: 15th 29. Lice / 15th place |
Doroteja Kravcenkaite |
Participations: 1 Representing: Lithuania Best result: DNQ 74. I don't need you anymore / DNQ |
Dorothy Bezzina |
1986 -
Maltese Participations: 1 Representing: Malta Best result: 16th 55. Qalb ic-cpar / 16th place |
Doruntina Disha |
1988 -
Kosovar and Norwegian Participations: 2 Representing: Norway (1) and Albania* (1) Best result: 5th 41. Dreamworld / 5th place 56. Jeta kërkon dashuri / DNF - with Flaka Krelani |
Dotan Harpenau |
1986 -
Dutch born in Israel Participations: 5 Representing: Netherlands (2), Israel (2) and Suriname (1) Best result: Global Music Champion 107. Home / 4th place 160. Numb / Silver medal 170. Letting go / 6th place 198. There will be a way / WINNER 226. Mercy / 11th place |
Dotter |
Johanna Maria Jansson
1987 - Swedish Participations: 2 Representing: Sweden Best result: Global Music Champion 138. Creatures of the night / 15th place 170. Bulletproof / WINNER |
Douglas Robb |
1975 -
American Participations: 1 Representing: Finland* Best result: 8th 101. Not strong enough / 8th place - with Apocalyptica |
Douwe Bob |
1992 -
Dutch Participations: 1 Representing: Netherlands Best result: DNQ 81. I smoke and I drink / DNQ |
Dover |
1992 - 2016
Spanish Participations: 1 Representing: Spain Best result: 10th 78. Let me out / 10th place |
1990 -
Australian based in South Korea Participations: 1 Representing: Australia Best result: 18th 214. Don't go insane / 18th place |
Dr. Flori |
1979 - 2014
Albanian Participations: 1 Representing: Albania Best result: 20th 60. Origjinale / 20th place - with Aurela Gace & Marsel |
Dragana Mirkovic |
1968 -
Serbian Participations: 1 Representing: Montenegro Best result: 24th 84. Drugovi / 24th place |
Dragonborn |
Participations: 1 Representing: Denmark Best result: 17th 173. If you need somebody else / 17th place - with SAVEUS |
Drake |
Aubrey Drake Graham
1986 - Canadian of American descent Participations: 1 Representing: Canada Best result: DNQ 126. One dance / DNQ - with Kyla & Wizkid |
Dreamcatcher |
2014 -
South Korean Participations: 1 Representing: South Korea Best result: DNQ 223. Justice / DNQ |
Drella |
Drenchill |
Participations: 1 Representing: Poland* Best result: 4th 224. Feel the love / 4th place - with bryska |
Drenusha Latifi |
Participations: 1 Representing: Kosovo Best result: DNQ 90. Aspak / DNQ |
Drew Sycamore |
1990 -
Danish Participations: 1 Representing: Denmark Best result: Bronze Medallist 181. I wanna be dancing / Bronze medal |