Here you will find a list of all the artists who have taken part in Global Music.
It is a fast way to check, if an artist has taken part before, and with which song.
Artists are listed under their first name.
A band named something with "The" is listed under the following word.
ex.: Anna Vissi is to be found under A - The Corrs is to be found under C.
If marked with an * the artist cannot represent this country on their own unless you can find proof of a proper connection.
Updated after GM221
It is a fast way to check, if an artist has taken part before, and with which song.
Artists are listed under their first name.
A band named something with "The" is listed under the following word.
ex.: Anna Vissi is to be found under A - The Corrs is to be found under C.
If marked with an * the artist cannot represent this country on their own unless you can find proof of a proper connection.
Updated after GM221