Iva Marín Adrichem |
1998 -
Dutch and Icelandic Participations: 1 Representing: Netherlands Best result: 11th 169. Oculis videre / 11th place |
Ivan Zak |
1979 -
Croatian Participations: 1 Representing: Croatia Best result: 13th 83. Tetovaza / 13th place - with Neda Ukraden |
Ivana Banfic |
1969 -
Croatian Participations: 3 Representing: Croatia (2) and Bosnia-Herzegovina* (1) Best result: 7th 05. Godinama / 7th place - with Dino Merlin 08. Ljubav na prvi i posljednji pogled / 27th place 75. Navodno / 17th place - with Hari Mata Hari |
Ivana Kindl |
1978 -
Croatian Participations: 1 Representing: Croatia Best result: DNQ 21. Passionate woman / DNQ |
Ivana Korolova |
1988 -
Czech Participations: 1 Representing: Czech Republic Best result: 24th 165. V tom / 24th place |
Ivana Maric |
1982 -
Bosnian and Croatian Participations: 2 Representing: Croatia (1) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (1) Best result: Global Music Champion 42. Tebe voljeti / WINNER 60. Trn i cvijet / 13th place |
Ivana Selakov |
1978 -
Serbian Participations: 3 Representing: Serbia Best result: 23rd 105. Nema plana / 23rd place - with Sha 115. SOS / 24th place 211. Eto zato / DNQ |
Iveta Bartosova |
1966 - 2014
Czech Participations: 1 Representing: Czech Republic Best result: 5th 61. Dekuju vám andelové / 5th place |
Iveta Mukuchyan |
1986 -
Armenian Participations: 1 Representing: Armenia Best result: 25th 88. Running away / 25th place |
Ivete Sangalo |
1972 -
Brazilian Participations: 3 Representing: Brazil Best result: 6th 23. Back at one / 6th place - with Brian McKnight 36. Quando a chuva passar / 11th place 96. Dancando / 24th place - with Shakira |
Ivi Adamou |
1993 -
Cypriot of Bulgarian descent Participations: 2 Representing: Cyprus (1) and Greece* (1) Best result: 8th 54. Sose me / 8th place 217. Agoraki mou / DNQ |
Ivo Pessoa |
1969 -
Brazilian Participations: 1 Representing: Brazil Best result: 12th 25. Uma vez mais / 12th place |
Ivona Jo |
Participations: 1 Representing: North Macedonia Best result: 26th 224. Sebicno / 26th place |
Ivy Lies |
2006 -
New Zealander Participations: 1 Representing: New Zealand Best result: 30th 77. Addicted / 30th place |
Ivy Quainoo |
1992 -
German of Ghanaian descent Participations: 3 Representing: Ghana (2) and Liechtenstein (1) Best result: Global Music Champion 101. Wildfires / 13th place 103. Atomic / DNQ 157. House on fire / WINNER |
Ivyrise |
2007 -
British Participations: 1 Representing: Switzerland* (1) and Monaco* (1) Best result: 4th 101. Line up the stars / 16th place - with Dania Giò 110. Je te donne / 4th place - with Leslie |
Iwan |
Mohammed Marwan Ba'aseery
1980 - Lebanese of Syrian descent Participations: 1 Representing: Lebanon Best result: DNQ 30. Ma ad / DNQ |
Iwona Wegrowska |
1982 -
Polish Participations: 1 Representing: Poland Best result: 15th 37. 4 lata / 15th place |
Iyaz |
1987 -
British Participations: 1 Representing: Philippines* Best result: 12th 73. Pyramid / 12th place - with Charice |
Iyeoka Okoawo |
1975 -
American and Nigerian Participations: 2 Representing: United States (1) and Nigeria (1) Best result: 21st 142. Simply falling / 21st place 182. I am descending / DNQ |
Iyeth Bustami |
1974 -
Indonesian Participations: 1 Representing: Indonesia Best result: 25th 104.Laksamana raja di laut / 25th place |
Isabela Lima
1990 - Brazilian Participations: 1 Representing: Brazil Best result: DNQ 182. Bend the knee / DNQ - with Bruno Martini and Timbaland |
Izabela Kopec |
1970 -
Polish Participations: 1 Representing: Poland Best result: DNQ 51. Apokalipsa / DNQ |
Izal |
2010 -
Spanish Participations: 1 Representing: Spain Best result: DNQ 92. Tu continente / DNQ |
Izel Celiköz |
1969 -
Turkish Participations: 1 Representing: Turkey Best result: DNQ 136. Gelisigüzel / DNQ |
Izïa |
1990 -
French Participations: 2 Representing: France (1) and Monaco (1) Best result: 13th 201. Mon coeur / 13th place 203. La vague / 22nd place |
IzZy |
Participations: 1 Representing: Malta Best result: DNQ 68. Ladies night / DNQ |